University Place Refuse and Recycling offers curbside yard waste cart service. This valuable service benefits both the customer and the environment by reducing landfill and necessary garbage cart size. Vegetation (like grass, branches, garden refuse and leaves) and food waste can be turned into nutrient rich and valuable compost that we are able to offer back to you for your garden.
Our weight restrictions for all commodities are as follows:
64 Gal. Cart – 130 lbs.
96 Gal. Cart – 200 lbs.
Material must fit in your yard waste cart WITH THE LID CLOSED.
TIMES & CLEARANCES All garbage, mixed recycling and yard waste carts must be at the curb by 6 a.m. for pickup – we recommend placing your carts out the night before.
Please maintain 3 feet of clearance around all carts, at least 5 feet from vehicles, and 18 feet of overhead clearance.

Yard waste is picked up every other week, the same day as your recycling pickup. You must use the cart provided by us as your primary yard waste container. The cart weight limit is 200 lbs.
Additional Yard Waste carts are available for an additional fee each per month. If you need a special pickup for Yard Waste carts, there is a fee. Please call our office for pricing information.
If you have extra yard waste, please us a GREEN extra tag, or clearly write “YARD WASTE” on the tag you use. Each extra yard waste can, box, bag or bundle must be easily manageable by hand and tagged for pickup, and the cost will be added to your next garbage bill. Make sure to use the GREEN tags because they are much less than the cost of extra garbage tags. These tags must be filled out completely, with your name, address, account number, and date in order to be taken. You may make your own tags using durable card stock or cardboard. Please include all of the information listed above as well as the words “YARD WASTE” clearly written on the tag. Place all extra yard waste next to your yard waste cart on your scheduled pickup day.
If a bag is used to contain the extra yard waste next to your cart, please leave it untied and open so the driver can empty it. The empty bag will be left behind. Please limit the size(s) of your extra yard waste to 45 pounds, 32 gallons, 4 cubic feet, or 3′ in length.